Network/System Administration
System uptime is vital to any business large or small, as a server/system going down can lead to devastating loss. That's where DNS offers professional network/system administration services to design and deploy networks as well as resolve technical issues. Performing as tier-3 personnel, we can consult and advise on your server configuration as well as monitor services to continuously support your network remotely at all times. Our staff focuses on the overall integrity of your network, server deployment and system security, while ensuring network connectivity throughout your company's LAN/WAN infrastructure, intranet and Internet. Ensuring peace of mind, our team provides proactive solutions to identify and resolve potential issues, while reporting on server/system performance and utilization.
Our team of experts can help maintain dependable and secure data communications across technologies, including:
desktop computers
hardware systems
mobile devices
security updates and patches
application upgrades
system upgrades
business continuity (disaster planning, prevention and protection)
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